Malia Gillette
3 min readJul 8, 2020
Photo by Jose Alonso on Unsplash

I should have seen it coming, all the red flags were there…my landlord was a massive micromanager! I hope by telling my story, I can help other would be tenants avoid falling prey to helicopter landlords so they don’t have to experience the discomfort that I had to go through. These are some of the red flags I missed and you should look for them too!

An urn in the entryway. That should have been a clue when I checked the place out that my landlord was going to micromanage the place. Urns are like the Alexa of the 18th century. They hear everything. And now that I think about it, I remember a few times when I heard a voice very sharply say “You don’t belong here” (and I know it wasn’t my imposter syndrome because my IS sounds a whole lot more like Jane Seymour).

A man literally trapped in the wall. This was another thing that I should have seen as a potential factor requiring landlord attention. During the walkthrough, when my landlord took me upstairs, I heard a man’s voice say “I’m dying in the bathroom” accompanied by what sounded like a pipe being shook by a human hand. So in a typical living situation there’s a “maintenance guy” that you can call when you hear sounds in your walls. I think that guy was stuck in the wall of the second story bathroom. Later when I moved in and could no longer deal with the pleas I called the…

